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Below you will find a series of questions and answers regarding the PET test. Miss Carolina and Mister Joaquín are confident you will get a great result. We encourage you to ask as many questions as you have about it.


What is the PET?

To start with, PET has nothing to do with animals. PET stands for Preliminary English Test and it is an intermediate level qualification. It shows you are able to use your English language skills for work, study and travel.


When is it taken?

The test is taken at school and you normally have to sit for it during the last week of November. It is compulsary for all eight grade students to take it.


How is the test like?

PET is divided into three sections: Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking. For the first section, Reading and Writing, you have one hour and half to answer all questions. In the case of the listening, you have 30 minutes to answer each questions. Finally, the Speaking part is done along with a classmate, for this section you have from about 10 to 15 minutes.


PET Examination Dates



PET Mock Tests


PET Speaking Sample Video


Below you will find a speaking video sample which covers the entire PET speaking part. We invite you to watch it in order to get familiarized with the sections and their dynamics. 


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